The History of PR. Sukun
The history of PR. Sukun began with Mc. Wartono, the fourth son of sixsiblings from Mr. Singo Sarpani’s family, the Village Head of Gondosari, Gebog Sub-district, Kudus. PR. Sukun was founded in 1947 and the expansion was still limited to Central Java. During the progress, PR. Sukun grew rapidly and the expansion reached up to Sumatra, Kalimantan, Bali, Lombok, and Sulawesi.
The History of Indonesian Cigarette
Talking about Indonesian cigarettes or local cigarettes, we should credit the kretek cigarette. The term of kretekderives from the crackling sound produced by the mixture of tobacco and clove in cigarettes when lit by fire.
This clove mixture in tobacco is a unique innovation nowhere found in other countries’ cigarettes. By some people, the innovation of tobacco and clove processing is also influenced by the local people’s habit of chewing betel nut which is often mixed with sliced and dried tobacco leaf as a tradition.